
How to uninstall ESSE or old version, and clear completely.

How to uninstall pre-version (0.x.x) ?

Currently, ESSE is under pre-release and test version.

If breaking old version, you need uninstall and clear it completely.

  • If is Android or IOS, you only need to uninstall it by common step.

  • If you use Linux

    • Delete the binary package or directory.
    • Delete document directory /home/{name}/Documents/esse-pre
  • If you use Windows

    • Delete the binary package or directory.
    • Delete document directory C:\Users\{name}\Documents\esse-pre
  • If you use MacOS

    • Delete the binary package or directory.
    • Delete document directory /home/{name}/Library/Containers/com.cympletech.esse/Data/Documents/esse-pre

How to uninstall ?

Waiting our make install program and upload to store.